Friday, December 19, 2014

Latest Project.... iPhone app

My latest project is an attempt to create a Spotsy Disc Golf iPhone app. It would be a simple app that would have directions to Loriella and Pratt. Course maps and hole descriptions.

I downloaded X-Code and began to teach myself what I'm doing. It's going slow but slowly I'm pretty confident I can get it done. So far the overwhelming aspect is all the custom art files I need to create. Like app buttons, park maps and hole descriptions.

I did get the hole descriptions  for Loriella done....

The course map took me a while but it turned out pretty good....

Now all I have to do is figure out how to create the app pages so everything works. Stay tuned....

Monday, December 08, 2014

Santa's Little Helper....

I normally don't take commissions to dye custom art on discs. But I was contacted by someone who wanted to get 2 discs dyed for Christmas presents for her brother & father. One wasn't too complicated, a UNC Tarheel logo. The second one was inspired by my Calvin & Hobbes putter I did a while back. This one would be the pair under a starlit sky.

I decided to add some edge design shaving cream elements to surround the logo to kick it up a little.

It turned out Pretty good. The logo could have been centered a little better but overall it was a good 4 stage dye.

The Calvin & Hobbes dye would be much more difficult. The mask took a lot of time cutting all the star shapes that would be in the sky. The unknown was how to get a gradual fade from dark blue on the bottom to the black of the top.

What I ended up doing was holding the disc with the bottom edged in for the blue and rolling the disc along the bottom edge to get the dye darker on the bottom edge but also arch the top so it would just reach over Hobbes.

I reversed the process for black dye.

I finished up with the Calvin & Hobbes colors. It turned out very good considering I had never done any fades before this attempt. I forgot to take a pic of the bottom but what I did was take some Orcal vinyl and cut a solid mask along the bottom of the leading edge of the disc. The bottom is a clean white with a crisp separation line around the disc.

This will probably be the only time I take commissions to dye plastic. It's too nerve racking. The pressure to get it right because any mistakes or fuck ups and the disc is ruined. There is always some pressure on issues like that but when someone drops money for a service it bumps it up more than usual.