Sunday, January 31, 2016

Softail Workshop is Done...

I finally got the shed/workshop for the Softail where I want it now.

 Made some custom signs to go along with the ones I had before....

I added loft shelves on both ends. Wire shelving for my oil, filters and other stuff. Put in lighting and added an old stereo tuner and speakers so I have something to listen too while I work.

There is plenty of room for my tools and an air compressor. I'm measuring it out now to see if I will have room for a lift table that I can keep on it's side when I'm not using it.

I also added a solar battery charger and mounted it to the side of the shed and now I can keep the Softail charged and ready to go without spending any electricity to do it. It works like a charm. I tested with a volt meter and it keeps the battery topped of at 12.4 volts even after the last week of below freezing temps.