The local paper stopped by and did a little video and story on the days event...
Disc golfers compete
Professional event is a first for Staunton
(I happen to be in it....)

Me, Justin & Ryan before the first round.
The afternoon round started on #16 and my drive wasn't the best and wrenched my back on the upshot and actually threw the disc over my head backwards almost hit a guy in my group and landed about 50' back towards the tee. I feel lucky I was able to end up with a 6. I followed that with 2 bogeys but I didn't get upset and started to put some good scores down on my card and hit a string of pars.
If not for that first hole I could have easily shot a 58. I was able to overcome some bad play keep it together and shoot a lower score than the first round. Even though I should have played much better, I was able to play above my rating both rounds. I gained a spot and finished 6th.
Spotsy did damn good too. Austin won Advanced, Ron tied for 2nd, Cody took 8th. Stephen shot -9 to take 2nd on Open and Justin took 5th. Ryan finished 7th in Intermediate.
Check out all the days scores...